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Han-Sheng Chuang











·         生醫流體技術













成杏校區 醫工大樓二樓5758B










國立成功大學 機械系 學士, 1994-1998
國立成功大學 機械所 碩士, 1998-2000

普渡大學 機械系 博士, 2005-2010


工研院 量測中心 副工程師 2000~2005
普渡大學 柏克奈米中心 助理研究員 2007~2010

賓州大學 機械暨應用力學系 博士後研究員 2010~2011

創新微流公司(美國) 共同創辦人 2009~迄今
國立成功大學 醫工系 助理教授 2011~迄今




近五年榮譽與獲獎 (2009-2013)

1.     指導研究生許家豪、王冠智、陳香伃等三位同學分別獲得【2013生物醫學工程科技研討會】論文特優二篇以及壁報特優一篇 (Nov. 2013)

2.     指導研究生許家豪、王冠智、陳香伃等三位同學獲得【2013第九屆成大旗勝盃創意競賽】 銀牌獎 (Nov., 2013)

3.     指導研究生許家豪、王冠智、陳香伃等同學獲得國科會【國內研究生參與國際會議】補助 (Jul., 2013)

4.     指導成大醫工系大二生李昀獲2013國科會【大專學生研究計畫】獎學金 (May, 2013)

5.     【63th 美國物理學會流體力學組】 最佳影片獎  (Nov., 2010)

6.     2009 普渡大學 【伯坦摩根科技商業企劃書競賽】 第二名  (April, 2009)

近五年著作與專利 (2009-2013)


1.       Sie, Y.S., Chuang, H.S.*, “A micro-volume viscosity measurement technique based on µPIV diffusometry,” Microfluidic and Nanofluidics, DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1219-4, 2013.

2.       Amin, A.M., Thakur, R., Madren, S., Chuang, H.S., Thottethodi, M., Vijaykumar, T.N., Wereley, S.T., Jacobson, S.C., “Software-programmable continuous-flow multi-purpose lab-on-a-chip,” Microfluidic and Nanofluidics, DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1180-2, 2013.

3.         Chuang, H.S.*, Chen, H.Y., Chen, C.S., Chiu, W.T., "Immobilization of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with Addressable Light-Induced Heat Knockdown (ALINK)," Lab on a Chip, DOI:10.1039/C3LC50454A, 2013.

4.         Belfer, S.J., Chuang, H.S., Freedman, B.L., Yuan, J., Norton, M., Bau, H.H., Raizen, D.M., “Caenorhabditis-in-drop array for monitoring C. elegans quiescent behavior,” Sleep, Vol.36(5), pp.689-698, 2013.

5.         Huang, Z., McLamore, E.S., Chuang, H.S., Zhang, W., Wereley, S., Chavez, J.L., Banks, M.K., “Shear‐induced detachment of biofilms from hollow fiber silicone membranes,” Biotechnol. Bioeng., DOI.10.1002/bit.24631, 2012.

6.         Chuang, H.S.*, Thakur, R., Wereley, S.T., “Characterizations of gas purge valves for liquid alignment and air relief in a microfluidic chip,” Journal of Micromechanics andMicroengineering, Vol.22, 085023, 2012.

7.       Zhou, J., Lee, P.L., Tsai, C.S., Lee, C.I., Yang, T.L., Chuang, H.S., Lin, W.W., Lin, T.E., Lim, S.H., Chen, Y.L., Chien, S., Chiu, J.J., “Force-specific Activation of Smad1/5 Regulates Vascular Endothelial Cell cycle Progression in Response to disturbed Flow,” PNAS, DOI 10.1073/pnas.1205476109, 2012.

8.       Chuang, H.S.*, Gui, L., Wereley, S.T., “Nano-resolution flow measurement based on single pixel evaluation PIV,” Microfluidic and Nanofluidics, Vol.13, pp.49-64, 2012.

9.       Chuang, H.S., Raizen, D.M., Dabbish, N., Bau, H.H., “Electro-worming: the behaviors of Caenorhabditis (C.) elegans in AC and DC electric fields,” Physics of Fluids, Vol.23(9), 3640009, 2011.

10.    Kumar, A., William, S.J., Chuang, H.S., Green, N.G., Wereley, S.T., “Hybrid opto-electric manipulation in microfluidics—opportunities and challenges,” Lab on a Chip, Vol.11, pp.2135-2148, 2011.

11.     Chuang, H.S., Raizen, D.M., Dabbish, N., Lamb, A., Bau, H.H., “Dielectrophoresis of Caneorhabditis elegans,” Lab on a Chip, Vol.11, pp.2135-2148, 2011.

12.     Chuang, H.S., Jacobson, S.C., Wereley, S.T., “A diffusion-based cyclic particle extractor,” Microfluid. Nanofluid., DOI 10.1007/s10404-010-0589-0, 2010.

13.     Kumar, A., Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., “Dynamic manipulation by light and electric fields: Micrometer particles to microliter droplets,” Langmuir, DOI 10.1021/la100614h, 2010.

14.     Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., “Rapid patterinh of slurry-like elastomer composites using a laser-cut tape,” J. Micromech. Microeng., Vol.19, 097001, 2009.

15.     Wang, C.P., Sadeghi, F., Wereley, S.T., Chuang, H.S., “Investigation of fluid flow out of microcavities using µPIV,” Tribol. T., Vol.52, pp.817-832, 2009.

16.     Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., “Design, fabrication and characterization of conducting PDMS for microheaters and temperature sensors,” J. Micromech. Microeng. Vol.19, 045010, 2009. (top 3% downloaded)


1.      Wang, K.C., Kumar, Aloke, Wereley, S.T., Chuang, H.S.*, “Dynamic Particle Concentration For Bio-Signal Enhancement Based On An Optoelectric Microchip, “ 2013ASME/IMECE, San Diego, CA, USA, Nov.15-21, 2013.

2.      Chen, H.Y., Chen, C.S., Chiu, W.T., Chuang, H.S.*, “Study of lipofuscin accumulation in C. elegans and heat shock treatments based on an optoelectric device,” isCEBT2013, Sendai, Japan, Sep.8-12, 2013.

3.      Hsu, C.H., Chuang, H.S.*, “Studying the effect of blood viscosity on cardiovascular diseases using μPIV Diffusometry,” isCEBT2013, Sendai, Japan, Sep.8-12, 2013.

4.      Wang, K.C., Kumar, Aloke, Chuang, H.S.*, “Rapidly Optoelectrokinetic Concentration, Translation, and Mixing of Micro-particles,” APCB2013, Seoul, Korea, Aug.29-31, 2013.

5.      Wang, K.C., Kumar, Aloke, Chuang, H.S.*, “An Optoelectric Method for Rapid Concentration, Translation, Sorting, and Patterning of Micro-particles,“ PSFVIP-7, Busan, Korea, Aug. 25-28, 2013

6.      Chuang, H.S.*, Chiu, W.T., Chen, C.S., “Addressable light-induced heat knockdown (ALINK) for Caenorhabditis (C.) elegans immobilization,” μTAS 2012, The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Okinawa, Japan, Oct.28-Nov.1, 2012.

7.      Chuang, H.S.*, Capraro, B.R., Sharparenko, B., Bau,H.H., “Dielectrophoresis Enhanced Pinched Flow Fractionation,” 2012 isCEBT, Tainan, Taiwan, Sep.2-5, 2012.

8.      Sie, Yue-Syun, Chuang, H.S.*, “Droplet-based analysis of behavioral responses of Caenorhabditis elegans in viscous liquids,” 5th East Asian C. elegans Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 27-30, 2012.

9.      Shaparenko, B., Chuang, H.S., Hu, H., Bau, H.H., “Continuous size-based dielectrophoretic particle sorting in a microfluidic device,” APS/DFD 64th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 20-22, 2011.

10.  Chuang, H.S., Raizen, D., Lamb, A., Dabbish, N., Bau, H.H., “The effect of electric field magnitude and frequency on Caenorhabditis elegans,” APS/DFD 63rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 21-23, 2010.

11.  Smith, C.T., Thakur, R., Chuang, H.S., Kumar, A., Wereley, S.T., “A hybrid optoelectric device for multi-scale particle and droplet manipulation,” Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.7762, pp.68, June, 2010.

12.  Smith, C.T.,Thakur, R., Chuang, H.S., Kumar, A., Wereley, S.T., “A hybrid optoelectric device for droplet translation and microparticle manipulation,” IMECE/ASME, IMECE2010-38686, Vancouver, CA, Nov. 12-18, 2010.

13.  Chuang, H.S., Kumar, A., Smith, C.T., Wereley, S.T., “Rapid and dynamic multiscale manipulation based on a hybrid optoelectric device,” Trends in Optical Micromanipulation II, Innsbruck, Austria, April 11-16, 2010.

14.  Chuang, H.S., Kumar, A., Wereley, S.T., “Light-Enabled Droplet Manipulations,” APS/DFD 62nd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Nov. 22-24, 2009. (APS highlighted video)

15.  Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., Jacobson, S.C., “An automated cyclic particle extractor,” IMECE/ASME, IMECE2009-10422, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, Nov. 13-19, 2009.

16.  Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., “Microfluidic gas purge valves,” MNHMT/ASME, MNHMT2009-18534, Shanghai, China, Dec. 18-21, 2009. (invited)

17.  Grafton, M.M., Geheb, B., Jang, J.H., Chuang, H.S., Rajdev, P., Reece, L.M., “Microfabrication of a two-stage BioMEMS microfluidic cell sorter,” SPIE proceeding, Vol. 7207, 72070A, 2009.


1.          Chuang, H.S., Kumar, A., Wereley, S.T., "CH12 Optical Flow Characterization : Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (µPIV), " Methods in Bioengineering : Microfabrication and Microfluidics, Zahn, J.D. Ed., Artech House, Boston/London, 2010.

2.          Chuang, H.S., “Taiwan,” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, Guston, D.H. Ed., SAGE, California, pp. 745-747, 2010.

3.         Chuang, H.S., Kumar, A., Williams, S., Wereley, S.T., “Optoelectrically Enabled Multiscale Manipulation,” Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Bhushan, B. Ed., Springer, New York, pp.1991-1999, 2012.


1.         Chuang, H.S., Kumar, Aloke, Wereley, S.T., Application # US 2012/0091003 A1, USA, 2012

2.         Amin, A., Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., Thottethodi, M., Vijaykumar, T.N., Application # US 13/262664, USA, 2011.

3.         Chuang, H.S., Wereley, S.T., US 8376317 B2, USA, 2013.

4.         Su, C.M., Chuang, H.S., Ho, Y.L., US 7,377,183 B2, USA, 2007.

5.         Chuang, H.S., Yang, C.T., I247110, Taiwan, 2006.

6.         Wang C.H., Chuang, H.S., Yang, C.T., Fang, G.C., Yao, D.J., I262309, Taiwan, 2006.

7.         Wu, M.J., Chuang, H.S., Yang, C.T., 1627081, China; I221516, Taiwan, 2004.

8.         Chuang H.S., Wu, M.J., Yang, C.T., 178286, Taiwan, 2003.

9.         Chuang, H.S., Wu, M.J., Yang, C.T., 163023, Taiwan, 2002.


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